Heat / Snow

Hey Arnold! - "Heat / Snow"

Arnold Arnold

Originally aired November 4, 1996; 8:00 p.m. on Nickelodeon

Recorded November 4, 1996; 8:00 p.m. from Nickelodeon

Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold

Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold

(Hover over images for more info, right-click > open image to view in full-size)


This recording is the premiere of the first season Hey Arnold! episode "Heat / Snow".

I received this recording on a tape in the mail today and as of May 2021, it's the oldest Hey Arnold! recording known to currently exist. Absolutely incredible. It's somewhat surprising there aren't more recordings of Arnold from 1996 seeing as it was a decently popular show. The only ones I'm aware of are this recording and one of the premiere of "Arnold's Christmas" from December '96 owned by my friend alitek.

Embedded are the commercials from this broadcast as well as the Rugrats broadcast that proceeded it.

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Page created: May 17, 2021 | Last updated: July 20, 2021